Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Infrastructure's Role in the "Rewinding" of America

George Packer, the well-known writer for The New Yorker magazine, has a new book out, The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America.   It's a gloomy book, although amidst his pessimism, Packer includes suggestions--including a renaissance for infrastructure--that serve as grounds for hope.  

Joe Klein, the even better-known writer for Time magazine, wrote an article about Packer's book, including this passage: 

When Packer and I discussed his book over lunch, he told me that he had no snazzy solutions, just the “obvious” ones: real financial reform, better schools, more infrastructure spending. [Emphasis added.]  

If America is unwinding, as Packer suggests, then infrastructure could be part of the needed rewinding

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