Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Free Congress Foundation Conference on Infrastructure on Capitol Hill

Last week the Free Congress Foundation, founded by the late Paul Weyrich, one of the godfathers of the conservative resurgence of the 70s, held a conference on Capitol Hill on the importance of transportation infrastructure.

Speakers at the conference included the President and CEO of the Free Congress Foundation, Jim Gilmore, the former Republican governor of Virginia.
Another speaker was Rep. Ralph Hall, Republican of Texas, who has represented the Lone Star State in Congress since he came in to Washington as part of the Reagan Revolution of 1980.   
In addition, Rep. Tom Petri, Republican of Wisconsin, was a speaker: 
The conference centered around an ambitious paper on economic dynamism and transportation, Surface Transportation: The Case for Growth, by Michael S. Bronzini,  emeritus professor at George Mason University.  

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